Welcome to Royal Landscaping! Mississauga Commercial, Condo & Retail Snowplowing and Landscape Maintenance

Royal Landscaping Inc.

Condominium Maintenance

Condominium corporations contract out weekly maintenance services to a reputable grounds maintenance company. This is done under the guidance of the property manager and the board of directors. Compensation for these services come out from the maintenance fee the owners pay on a monthly basis. Reserve funds are sometimes used on larger repairs, or property improvements. Royal Landscaping Inc. specializes in the following areas in Peel region condominiums.

  • Lawn and shrub care.
  • Weekly maintenance
  • Garden beds
  • Tree services
  • Pot hole repairs / paving
  • Snowplowing
  • Front end loader / Bobcat services.

In The Community

Royal Landscaping Inc. Has been a long time supporter of Big Brothers and Sisters of Peel Region and Dare to be you Foundation http://daretobeyoufoundation.com/ Our efforts have made an impact in the community around us. Please help us support these wonderful charities.

Pot Hole Repair Paving

Royal Landscaping Inc. Specializes in asphalt / pavement repair. Quality work and fast turnaround time make us the ideal choice for pot hole repairs. Depending on the size and cause of the pot hole, we can use hot asphalt or cold patch the area in question. Property owners will agree that a damaged parking lot will negatively impact the overall image of the property. Our guarantee will assure your property has a welcoming look to it. Please call for a estimate.

Tree Service

Royal Landscaping Inc. has provided the links below for the City bylaws regarding tree removal in the areas we work in. Please click on the following links to be directed to the appropriate municipality.

Permits are not always required to remove a tree. Our staff can better guide you in this process. Below are general guidelines to consider for each municipality.

Brampton Tree By-Law: When Permit Applications Are Unlikely To Be Considered

There are situations when a removal permit application will not be considered according to their tree by-law. Request examples below will most likely be denied in all probability. They are more of a by-product of nature rather than a hazard or burden therefore are considered unreasonable removal requests. City employed Arborists may recommend alternative courses of actions to lessen particular issues listed below.

  • Does not meet your landscaping expectations.
  • A canopy is shading your garden or patio.
  • Roots are damaging sidewalk or your driveway.
  • Blocking lights or obstructing other ground view.
  • Excessive or unsightly falling leaves, fruit, or seeds.
  • Roots are growing into underground utility pipes or line.
  • Fallen leaves fill eaves troughs or block water catch basins.
  • You dislike flying insects or creepy crawly things that are attracted to it.
  • Unable to clean up fallen seeds, fruits, or leaves due to age or physical inability.
  • Roots extruding through to your lawn thereby interfering with grass cutting machines.
Removal Permit Applications Are Considered Under These By-Law Conditions:
  • 30% or more of crown is dead or disease infected.
  • Individual ones are deemed inappropriate for space occupied within given area.
  • City employed Arborist concluded there is one or more major branches posing a potential property or pedestrian hazard.
  • City employed Arborist determines one or more overhanging branches cannot be removed without structural destabilization thereby causing a potential hazard.
  • City employed Arborist acknowledges a history of valid repeat maintenance calls resulting from weak wood conditions and concludes perpetual major maintenance burdens exist.
  • Furthermore, if a removal permit applications are approved they may be conditional on replanting with another.

City of Mississauga by-law is different from other communities. We will guide you through what you'll need to know is spread across 2 PDF documents of a combined 11 pages in total. We recommend reading the 4 page Mississauga Tree Permit Permission Process PDF documentation which will give you a good overview of what to expect. Additionally their full 7 page By-Law Number 474-05 PDF document is recommended for full legal wordings and understanding. Please call us for any questions or estimates.

Toronto Private Tree By-law Article III Chapter 813

Permit Exemption - Work May Proceed Without Contacting Toronto Urban Forestry Services

Under provisions it isn't necessary to apply for an application to injure or destroy one on commercial or residential private property as indicated by Etobicoke tree by-law details outlined in unofficial general terms below.

  • Trunk diameter is under 40 centimetres at a height of 140 centimetres above ground.
  • Diameter exceeds 40 centimetres at 140 centimetres above ground but is 100% dead as per a qualified opinion
  • It is an imminent hazard due to structural destabilization with potential to cause personal injury or property damage.
  • It is considered terminally diseased as determined by a professional arborist having knowledge of differences between casual diseases as compared to destructive ones.
Removal Permit Applications Are Unlikely To Be Approved Under These Circumstances

There are situations when a removal permit applications will be denied. Request examples below may be considered as a burden by some residential homeowners (but a joy for others) and will be rejected. They are more of a by-product of nature rather than hazards. If you are considering putting in a request for any reasons below, save your effort and application money because they will most likely not be approved.

  • Interferes with landscaping expectations.
  • Roots are interfering with underground utility pipes.
  • Expanding roots are damaging driveways, roadways, or walkways.
  • Canopy cover is obstructing street lights (pruning will resolve that).
  • Canopy cover is providing too much shade in an area where you don't want it to.
  • Unable to clean-up falling fruit, seed pods, or leaves due to personal physical limitations.